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The Letters & Their Meaning

The Christian Alphabet Symbology

A symbol is an outward, visible form of something inward and invisible. 

“Symbols are the language of the soul.”  George Ferguson 1954


Each letter is its own work of art!

They all contain a word and have a Bible verse that correlates.

See all the symbology explained below.

Know the meaning in The Christian Alphabet…

Click on Letters to Enlarge

A = ALWAYS  (Matt 28:20)

A1- Alpha Omega  (Green A)

This is a mix of two Greek letters which are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet: an A for Alpha and an O for Omega  (The Greek “O” looks like and upside down U )

God said he is “the Alpha and the Omega” which means He is the beginning and the end. (Rev 1:8, 21:6  22:13 )
There is an infinity sign because God’s love endures forever. (Psalms 100, 106, 107, 117, 118, 136 ) 

The green colors and the ivy represent evergreens and always growing. 

The cross at the top is for Christ, who died on the cross to save the world. 
I wanted this letter to look a bit futuristic because eternity is a long time :) and that is what Jesus promises us- Eternity in heaven with Him.  Heaven is our hope and Final home. It is where every tear is wiped away and there is only love and goodness. (Isaiah 25:8)

A2- Merciful Heart

This “A” is a combination of two iconic images: 
1.)  The Sacred Heart of Jesus 
2.)  The Divine Mercy image of Jesus 

The Sacred Heart of Jesus burns with love for us.  The Heart is the symbolic center of feeling and emotion, and it represents Jesus’ deep love and affection for us. It is red, the color of blood, which Jesus poured out for us (Jn 19:34). Red signifies fervent love, and Jesus loves us so much that he laid down his life for us. (Jn 15:13). 

The Flames of fire represent the intensity of the warmth of Jesus’ love for us.

The cross, and crown of thorns (Mt 27:29; Mk 15:17; Jn 19:2,5), also repr
esent the love of Jesus for the entire world.  Jesus suffered on our account.  He died for this love. Then, He rose from the grave and continues to pour out his Heart/Love to us.

The red rays of light represent the Blood of Jesus poured out for the life of souls. The blue rays of light represent the water of Baptism which makes souls righteous.  St. Faustina helps us remembe
r to say the prayer “Jesus, I trust in you.” “Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.” – Jesus, from the diary of St. Faustina.

A3 -Eucharist
This is Jesus blessing the bread and wine at the Last Supper.  (See the wounds on His hands which He is actually about to receive from his crucifixion.)  At Holy mass, He gives us His precious body and blood = the Eucharist!  He is always with us this way physically and spiritually.  We do this in remembrance of Him as he tells us to do in the Gospels. 
Read Exodus 12:8, 46, Matt 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 6, & 1 Cor 10:16, 11: 23-29.
The XP is a monogram for Christ in Greek (XPIETOE)
The face in the blessed cup is yours as you pray a prayer of THANKSGIVING for Jesus. 
“Thank you, Jesus, for giving yourself to us with THE EUCHARIST. We love you.  AMEN”

A4-17- Praying Person

Praying hands - Jesus tells us to watch and pray all the time. (Matthew 26:41)  St. Paul said to be joyful always, and to pray continually.  Prayer is simply lifting your heart to God, being grateful, praising Him and spending time with Him. (1Thessalonians 5:16-17) 

The cross is the best known symbol of Jesus because Jesus died on a cross for each of us.  (John 19:17)    In a broader sense, the cross is the sign of redemption, salvation, and Christianity.  (Revelation 12:10)


B = BELIEVE (John 3:16)

B1 – Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments - God gave these laws to Moses on two tablets of stone.  These are rules that God wants us to follow in order to make our lives holy. (Exodus 19-20)

The three leaf clover (shamrock) is a symbol of the Holy Trinity - the mystery of our one God in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.   (1 Timothy 3:16)

The holly, because of its thorny leaves and red berries, is symbolic of Christ’s crown of thorns and blood.  (John 19:2)Legend tells us that it was the tree used for Jesus’ cross.

The ivy, because it is evergreen, is a symbol of eternal life.  Because it clings as it grows, it reminds us to cling to Jesus in order to grow in holiness.  (Psalm 136)

B2 - The Lion B

The Lion represents our great, big, powerful God (Revelation 5:5)- Our Creator who became human to show us how to love each other and get to heaven.

The Lamb = Jesus is “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” (John 1:29) Jesus sacrificed his life on a cross to save us from our sins.  Jewish tradition was to sacrifice a lamb to God, but since Jesus died for all of us on the cross about 2022 years ago, He changed everything! 

Jesus Christ is our strong Lord and humble Savior. We BELIEVE He is the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God.


B3 – The Incarnation

God shows us how much he loves us by sending his only son, through Mary, to earth!

Jesus = God and Man = 100% God and 100% human = The Incarnation.

The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit.

This is Holy Mother Mary pregnant with Baby Jesus. She is full of Grace and all generations call her blessed!


C = CHRIST (Galatians 2:20)

C1 – Shepherd


Jesus tells us that he is the good shepherd.  (John 10:7-18)  He lays down his life for his sheep.  Also, Jesus tells us in a parable (Matthew 18:10) that our Father, in heaven, is like the shepherd.  He wants all of his sheep to be with him and is very happy to find the lost one.  (God/Jesus is our shepherd who watches over us.  We are his sheep, sometimes lost, but He always loves us.)

The nail, wood, and cross represent the suffering and death of Jesus.  Read about Thomas and the nail prints on Jesus’ hands. (John 20:24-29)

C2 - Baby Jesus

Mary and baby Jesus are pictured playing joyfully.
Mary has a halo to show her unique favor with God.  All generation still call her blessed because she trusted God and bore His Son. (Luke 1:30)
Jesus has a wooden crown made by his earthly father, Joseph - the carpenter.  Jesus is our King of Kings and the Prince of Peace. (John 18:37 & Isaiah 9:6)



D = DEVOTION (Jeremiah 29:11)

D1 - Dove


The dove is the symbol of purity, peace, and the Holy Spirit.  (John 14:26) It appears at Jesus’ Baptism; “…he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and it abode upon him;  and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”  (Mark 1:10-11)

The olive branch is a symbol of peace with God.  Because the dove returned with the olive branch, “Noah knew the waters were abated from the earth.” (Genesis 8:11) Also, because the olive tree produces much oil, it symbolizes the abundance that God gives to us.  (Judges 9:8) 
The Bible/Sacred Scripture is one of God’s ways of teaching us and speaking to us.(2 Timothy 3:16 and John 20:30-31).

Fish (See “F”)   Hearts (See “R”)

D2 -Musical D

The Trumpet – is famous for the fall of Jericho (Joshua 6:20) & there is the “Feast of trumpets.” (Numbers, chapter 29)

The Harp - a biblical instrument that King David played (1 Samuel 16:23) and you might think of angels playing these instruments also. (Rev 15:2)    The harp has a menorah on it to show our Jewish heritage. (Exodus 25:32 & 1 Maccabees 4:56) Did you know?…Abraham, Moses, David, & Jesus were all Jewish!

The musical notes are the start of the song “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God”  ( Matthew 6:33) – my favorite song I had played at my wedding.
Notice how the notes turn into praises and thanksgiving to God.  Playing music and singing to God is one of the best ways to worship Him.
Hosanna means “please save us.”  (Matthew 21:9-16) 
Alleluia is a joyful word of praise to God! (Psalm 105 & Rev 19)


E = EMMANUEL which means “God is with us”(Isaiah 7:14)

E1 - The Flowery E


The flower is called a columbine.  Columbine comes from the Latin word for dove, columba. Therefore, this is another symbol of the Holy Spirit.
The sun is symbolic of Christ. It rises as Christ rose from the dead.  (Malachi 4:2)


The sun and moon represent the sadness of all creation when Jesus died.  Also, they are attributes to the Virgin Mary -“woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet”   (Revelation 12:1).  The crescent moon represents Mary, mother of Jesus.  Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, Mary reflects the light of the Son of God.  Mary always points us to Jesus.(John 2:5)

Clouds are used as the symbol of the unseen God.  (1 John 4:12)
The star, lighting the darkness of night, is a symbol of divine guidance.  A star helped guide the three Wise Kings to Bethlehem in order to worship the newborn Savior of the world!  (Matthew 2:2)

E2 - The Lighthouse E


The lighthouse represents God, the one who gives us light (Genesis 1:3), and is our guiding light.  (1 John 1:5-7)  Moreover, Jesus said “You are the light of the world…Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14) 
The pelican symbolizes Jesus.  The legend of the pelican says that they have the most love for their offspring.  People thought that pelicans would pierce their own bodies with their long beak in order to feed their starving young.  This sacrifice mirrors Christ’s on the cross.  Jesus gives us his body and blood.  In this sense, the pelican also symbolizes the Eucharistic Sacrament, where Jesus gives us His body and blood from the altar, using bread and wine.  (Luke 22:19-20)


Footprints in the sand represent Jesus walking with us, sometimes carrying us, through this earthly life.  (Proverb 3:23)
(Moon, stars, and clouds- see other “E”)

E3 - God with us

This letter shows our triune God: God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
 The dove represents the Holy Spirit. 

Can you see the word God? The circular holy host is the “O” for the word “God.”  The holy chalice is the “t”. God is with us in Spirit and in holy Communion. Together you can see what the word Emmanuel means = “GOD WITH US

The bright star appeared in the sky to lead the 3 Wise men to holy baby Jesus.
Remember God is always with us here on earth and He is also in heaven.


E4 - The Key


Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is the key to heaven.  He “opened the gates of heaven” for us when he died on the cross to save us. He is the key to everything.  
The Bible is opened to Isaiah 7:14 which says, “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son and she will call His name Emmanuel.”  Matthew 1:23 reminds us that Emmanuel means “God with us.” Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament. 
The Fish is one of the first symbols for Christ. The five Greek letters that form the word ‘fish’ (I, ch, th, u, s) are the initial letters of these five words: ‘Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior’  (Iasous =Jesus, Christos = Christ, Theos = God’s, Uios = Son, Sotar = Savior).  The fish also reminds us to be “fishers of men” –to share the gospel with all.  (Mark 1:17)



F = FAITH (Hebrews 11:1)

F1 – 3 Candles

Smoke quickly disappears, reminding us of how short this life on earth is, and how useless it is to seek earthly glory.  (Matthew 6:20)  “Store up your treasures in heaven...For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

The candles give light to the world, as Christ does. Jesus said he came “as light into the world that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” (Luke 12:46)  Candles symbolize prayer, devotion, the coming of Christ in Communion, and (at Easter) that Jesus has risen.  Three candles represent the Holy Trinity.  

The fish is one of the first Christian symbols of Christ.  The five Greek letters that form the word ‘fish’ (I, ch, th, u, s) are the initial letters of these five words: ‘Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior’  (Iasous =Jesus, Christos = Christ, Theos = God’s, Uios = Son, Sotar = Savior).  The fish also reminds us to be “fishers of men” –to share the gospel with all.  (Mark 1:17)
Water (See “R”)


F2 - Angel with trumpet

The verse Matthew 24:30 is what inspired this letter.  It says that Jesus will return to earth again, with power and glory!  When he will come again is unknown, but His angels will blow their trumpets and He will come on the clouds. Will you be ready for Him? He loves you and wants you with Him in His Heavenly Home where He has prepared a place for you. (John 14:3) 

Jesus’ Second glorious coming -on the clouds- is in the background of this letter.  
As Christians, we have Faith that He Will Come Again to judge the living and the dead.  (Acts 10:42 & 1 Peter 4:5)


G = GOD (Genesis 1:1)

G1 - Genesis

The stars and planets represent God’s creation of the universe.  (Genesis 1)
The tree is the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden.  Adam and Eve sinned for the first time when they disobeyed God and ate the fruit from it.  (Genesis 3:3)

The serpent represents Satan, who tempted Adam and Eve, and tempts us, to sin.  (Genesis 3)
The dolphin symbolizes resurrection and salvation.  The legend is that carries the souls of the faithful departed across the waters to eternal life.

G2 = Names for God


There are 10 names for God in this G.  Can you find them all?  What other names for our King of Kings can you think of?  Bread of life, Redeemer, The Truth….

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit” is how Jesus instructed us to baptize His disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:19)


H = HEAVEN (John 14:2)

H1 – Heaven’s Gate

This is the artist’s vision of the pearly gates at the entrance of heaven.  (Rev. 21:21)
“Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven...” (Matthew 6:33)

The pearl, a most precious jewel, is known as a symbol of salvation or heaven.“ The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”  (Matthew 13:45)
Jesus prepared a place for us in heaven.   (John 14:3)

H2 - Pillars and Altar

The columns (or pillars) represent God. He delivered the Israelites from slavery and led them through the dessert.  God never left his place in front of the people. Exodus 13:21 shows us: “The Lord preceded them, in the daytime be means of a column of cloud to show them the way, and at night by means of a column of fire to give them light.

The altar is “God’s table.” It is a sacred place to offer up sacrifices and where Communion (the Eucharist) is celebrated to remember the Last Supper where Jesus “took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) The act of building an altar means that we are offering everything we have to God. It is a reminder that everything belongs to God.

Book of life, (Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, 13:8…) or the Book of remembrance (Malachi 3:16) is sometimes called the Lamb’s book (Rev 21:27) or Lord’s book (Exodus 32:32). Jesus says “…rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven!” (Luke 10:20)

The angels worshiping under the altar have placed their wings to form the “mercy seat.” This is part of the arc of the covenant that God designed and told the Israelites to build for Him.  (Exodus 25:18-20)


I = I AM   (Exodus 3:14)

I1 – Jerusalem Cross

IHS is a monogram for Christ that dates back to the first century.  These are the first three letters of the word for Jesus in Greek, Ihsus.
The Jerusalem cross (in red) is a Greek cross because it has arms of equal length. The four smaller crosses represent the four gospels.  The Latin cross, the most popular one today, has the shorter cross bar raised above the center.  


The eye of God is the “all seeing eye”.  God sees, knows, and loves us.  (1 John 3:20, Psalm 33:18)
This is also a monstrance which holds the body of Christ.


Fleur de lis –French for “flower of the lily”. (At the three points of this cross) It is not an actual flower but a symbol of the Trinity because of its three petals.  It also represents The Virgin Mary.


I2 – Banner Cross


This is a very decorative cross with three cross bars.  This type of cross is used by the Pope. Halo (See “K”)

I3 - Monstrance

This is a monstrance which holds the body of Christ.  The Eucharist, or bread (from wheat) that is supernaturally turned into The Body of Christ, is in the monstrance. We sit in silent prayer with Jesus in Adoration.  When we pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, we are with Him intimately. (Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity). 
Jesus, we adore you. We spend time with you. We seek your will for our lives.  We thank you. We praise you. We ask forgiveness. We remember your love for us. We want to trust you more, and know, love, & serve you better. Help us to love all other people as you love us. Amen”



J = JESUS (Romans 10:9)

J1 - Gospel

This letter depicts the entire life of Jesus on earth. The dove above Mary’s head signifies that she conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit.  (Luke 1:35)  Baby Jesus on Mary’s lap represents his childhood.  This is Jesus’ face as he might have looked as he walked with his disciples, performed miracles, and taught us how to love God and one another. The three crosses represent Jesus’ death.


The figure rising from earth represents Jesus resurrected and ascending into heaven!(Luke 18:33, 24:6-7). Lamb (see “L”)



J2 = English J

Jesus is the KING of kings. This is symbolized, together, with the golden crown and crown of thorns.  
Jesus is our LORD & SAVIOR.
Jesus is The LAMB of God that takes away the sins of the world. (John 1:29)
Jesus is the BREAD of life. (John 6)
He is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. (John 14:6)
Jesus is the SON OF GOD. (Mark 1:1)
Jesus is the Prince of PEACE. (Isaiah 9:6, John 20).
He is The LIGHT of the world. (John 8)


He is also the Christ, our Redeemer, Messiah, the Good Shepherd, the vine, the gate, the door...    Can you find more words for Jesus? 

J3 = 8 Languages


This is the name “Jesus” in 8 different languages:
Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Indonesian, 
Chinese, Hindi, Russian and Italian
. Can you guess which is each language?


K = KINDNESS (Colossians 3:12)

K1 – Christian Banner

The halo (nimbus) is a zone of light.  It is a circle, square or triangle, placed behind the head of a holy person.  It denotes great dignity, power and holiness.

The banner is a symbol of victory over death won by Christ.  The red cross symbolizes Christ’s blood, shed for us.  The white symbolizes purity and peace.  The banner is also attributed to military saints and those who carry the gospel to foreign places.

The church represents the body of Christ on earth, us, all Christian people. (1 Corinthians 12:12-29) Jesus said, “This is how all will know you for my disciples: your love for one another” (John 13:35)Christ is the head of the body/the church. (Ephesians4:4-5)


K2 – Purple Fruits of the Holy Spirit
K3 – Green Fruits of the Holy Spirit

The verses Galatians 5:22-23 are the inspiration for this letter.  It is about the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit that you see on the ribbon. 
The Gift box represents the Holy Spirit. The Gifts of the Spirit are easy to confuse with the fruits of the Spirit, but All are straight from God.  (See the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 11 , 1 Corinthians 12)
LOVE is spelled G-I-V-E. :)

Pray specifically for the Lord to give you the gifts & fruits of the Holy Spirit and you will grow in holiness. 
This is what the Lord requires of you...Micah 6:8 “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with God.”


L = LOVE (1 John 4:16)

L1 – Lamb

The bread/wheat, in the form of the loaf and wafer (the Eucharist), is Christ’s body.  “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.  If a man eats of this bread, he will live forever.”  (John 6:51)  At the Last Supper, Christ held the bread and said “…This is my body which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.”  (Luke 22:19).  Jesus takes the simple bread and wine and makes it divine.  (John 6, 1 Corinthians 11:26-27)

The cup, or chalice, contains the wine/grapes, the precious blood of Christ that was shed on the cross.  Christ said “This is my blood of the covenant which will be shed for many.”  (Mark 14:24)

The rock symbolizes God the Father, as our rock and solid fortress that sustains us.  (Psalm 18:2, Exodus 17:6)Jesus is our rock as the foundation/cornerstone of a sturdy house.  (Matthew 7:24)   Saint Peter is also referred to as a rock. (See “S”)

The lamb is most frequently used to represent Christ.  Jesus is the “Lamb of God/Agnus Dei”- who was sacrificed for us.  “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!”  (John 1:29) The Paschal Lamb is the lamb sacrificed during the Jewish Passover.  Because of this tradition, it stands for forgiveness from sins. 


L2 - Easter L
The entire letter spells L-O-V-E, (Can you see it?)


The Crucifixion of Jesus is the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the world, and the best thing that ever happened in the history of the world.  Jesus opened the gates of heaven for us and conquered death and conquered our sin.  Here is one word for it...Love.

Jesus’ feet on the cross = the ultimate symbol of unconditional, self-sacrificing love that Jesus gives to us. 

The empty tomb is the “O” and the rock rolled away is a “V” or heart for the symbol of love.

Jesus is standing there on the rock.  He has risen from the dead and is about to appear to his disciples, talk and eat with them, and then give them the Holy Spirit… (John 20:19-23)


M = MIRACLES (Matthew 11:4)

M1 - Dove

The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.  After Jesus resurrected He sent down The Holy Spirit at Pentecost. (Acts 1:5-7, 2:3)
The “Tongues of fire” are also a symbol of the Holy Spirit coming down from heaven…to live in us and guide us.  God gives us His Spirit!

Find the 2 important words in the stained glass windows.  By giving us The Holy Spirit, God gives us his GRACE.  We have FAITH in this truth.

M2 - Lily


The lily is the flower of purity.  It is a symbol of the Virgin Mary, the purest vessel to give birth to a perfect son, Jesus.  (Luke 1:28-30)  She is “the ark of his covenant”.   Jesus is the new covenant.  (Revelation 11:19-12:1)

Wings are the symbol of divine mission.  Angels have wings because they do God’s holy work (Luke 2:10) and can protect us.  (Psalm 91:11) Angels are mentioned over 400 times in the Bible.

The arrows point towards heaven, which is where the rising Christ is ascending -going in order to prepare a place for us.  (Mark 16:19-20, John 14:1-3) We await the second coming.  Lord Jesus, come in glory! (Luke 20:25, Revelation 22:20)

M3 - Many miracles

Jesus’ first recorded miracle was changing Water to Wine at the wedding in Cana, at the request of his mother, who said “Do whatever He tells you.” To the servants (John 2:5)

More miracles: Jesus Calmed the storm (Mark 4). Jesus used 5 Loaves and 2 fish & feed thousands (Luke 9). Jesus instituted the Miracle of the Eucharist – Bread/wine to Body, blood soul and Divinity =spiritual food for us (Matt 26 & John 6)…just to name a few. Thank you Jesus!


N = NATIVITY (Luke1:30)

N1 – Holy Family

The nativity shows the Holy Family; baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  It is Jesus’ birthday.  (Luke 2:11)

The crucifixion is Jesus’ death on the cross.  (Matthew 27:33) The crucifixion, the worst thing that ever happened, allowed for the most important wonderful thing to happen: Jesus was able to conquer sin and death, and open the gates of Heaven to eternal life. With his self-sacrifice on the cross, Jesus/God shows us how to love.  We celebrate Christmas for his birth, and Easter for his death and resurrection.  (Mark 16)

N2 - Christmas

The Christmas tree is a symbol of everlasting life with God because it is evergreen. The tradition became popular in America in the 1850’s.

Mary and baby Jesus are the most important part of the Nativity.  Their halos (see the letter K).

The angel on top of the tree is pointing to Jesus, the Savior of the world as a humble babe.  Angels appeared the night Jesus was born.  (Luke 2:9)

N3 - The Kiss

Mary is kissing her Baby, Jesus, the newborn Son of God. Joseph, Jesus’ father on earth, looks adoringly at Him for the first time.

This is the Star the wise men followed to find Jesus.“ After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Matt 2)

N4 - The journey


Mary is pregnant on a donkey as she travels with Joseph
Joseph is protecting and leading them on their way.
The donkey caries them as a donkey carrie
d Jesus into Jerusalem about 33 years later.

Road – the journey was tough for anyone, especially a pregnant woman.  Remember the Holy Family as you travel through your life on earth.  The struggle is real but so is God!  Jesus is with us through our easy and tough times.


O = OMNIPOTENT means all-powerful (Job 11:7)

O1 – Crown of Thorns

This is the crown of thorns that Jesus wore as he died on the cross. Thorns signify grief and tribulation, which Jesus had to endure for us.  (John 19:2, 5)

The butterfly is a symbol of the resurrection of Christ.  In a general sense, it can symbolize the resurrection of all men.  The butterfly’s three stages of life: - caterpillar, chrysalis (cocoon) and the butterfly, represent the three stages of the Christian’s life:  -life, death and resurrection.

The red rose is a symbol of martyrdom, which means suffering for your faith.  This red rose is very special because it represents all the thousands of saints that died for Christ.  “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.”  Tertullian  200 AD

O2 - Prayer beads

The crucifix medallion is at the center like Jesus Christ is our center.
The 5 “decades” of 10 beads are similar to a beaded rosary (a way of prayer that focuses on meditating on Jesus’ life) 
If we focus on Jesus this world becomes strangely dim and we have the perspective of heaven, our eternal home.  

03 - Holly Wreath

The wreath is a Circle which represents the eternal presence & love of God and eternal life for us through Christ.

The ribbon is a symbol for the greatest Gift from heaven – Baby Jesus. God sent Him to save the world from sin. Giving someone a gift shows that you love them. 

The ever-green holly, in general, represents continuity and survival through difficult times.  Specifically, prickly holy represents the crown of thorns that Jesus endured at the Crucifixion.  Green represents life and growth, and for Christians, it stands for the eternal life of the soul.  The red berries signify the blood Christ shed on the cross for us.


P = PRAY (Matthew 6:9)

P1 - Praising

The four people praying together remind us to pray for and with other people.  This creates a special bond with God and with others.  Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”  (Matthew18:20)  Pray: Adore God.  Confess to God. Thank God. Seek God.

The angel is God’s helper or messenger.(Hebrews 13:1-2) See (Wings under “M”)

The musical notes symbolize the praise to God. (Psalm 47:7)

P2 - Kneeling

This is our only Christian Alphabet letter with a Bible verse inside of it! (Psalm 46:11)

The silhouette of the person on their knees is to remind us to humble ourselves before our great God and pray often for His will. 

The stained-glass “Rose” window is a very ornate, beautiful, round window that many churches have for the Son/sun to shine through to spread God’s light. 

P3 - Mary & The Christ Child

Mary & the Christ Child – through Mother Mary, over 2,000 years ago, God gave us His Son, Jesus. (Read the Gospel of Luke)

Prayer beads –This is a rosary which is a form of prayer about Jesus’ life. As you pray with the beads, you remember what the Bible tells us about Jesus when he was physically on earth.  Roses represent Mary’s mystical participation in the Holy Trinity. She is Heaven’s Rose.

Crucifix- Jesus died for us on a cross. Jesus, the Lamb of God, takes away the sins of the world. He saves us from death. Jesus shows us how to embrace our own “crosses” and suffer well. FAITH = Forward All Issues To Heaven.


Q = QUIET (Psalm 23)

The earth God created for us-“Come behold the works of the Lord…Be still and know that I am God.”  (Psalm 46:8-10)  The world is loud and God whispers.  (1 Kings 19:12)  Once we know the “Good News”/ gospel we are to share it with the world.  (Matthew 28:19)

The cross with three steps - These steps represent the three virtues of Charity, Hope and Faith.  The cross represents love.  (1 Corinthians 13:13)  You can walk into the cross.“ Our heart is restless Lord, until it rests in you.”  St. Augustine 420 AD

Q2 - Sparrow


Jesus said, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  (Matt 10 & Luke 12). We have a personal God who knows how many hairs we have because HE created us and knows everything! Have no fear, TRUST, for He is in control & is with us. He will take care of you because He loves you deeply & individually.

Being in nature is good for the soul.  When is the last time you gazed at the moon and stars?  God whispers to us with his creations. Don’t let the world be too loud. Make the effort to sit in silence daily to adore our Lord, His creations, and pray.  


R = RESURRECTION (John 11:25)

R1 - Rainbow

The rainbow is a symbol of union with God, (Genesis 9:9) and the new promise that Jesus brought to us.  (Revelation 4:3)

Butterfly (See “O”)

Jesus is here pouring out his love, in the form of little hearts.  “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so.”  (Romans 5:5)  His stole stands for priestly dignity and humility.

Water symbolizes the washing away of sin and purifying our soul in order to rise to the newness of life in Christ.  “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”  (Galatians 2:20)  When we are baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we become the children of God.  (Matthew 28:19)

R2 - Chi Rho

The sword is another name for The Bible. God’s word defeats the enemy.  The sword is also a cross. 
Can you see the XP? This is one of the earliest symbols for Christ. It is the sacred monogram that is the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ: ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ, Chi (X) and Rho (P).

The fleur de lis is a stylized lily of three parts connected at the bottom to symbolize the Holy Trinity (French)
The tree of life or the tree trunk symbolizes many things: The tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden, the strong root sin the family tree, and the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19. “When Jesus spotted him in the tree trying to just catch a glimpse of Him, Jesus said, “Zacchaeus, hurry down. I mean to stay at your house today.” God responds to us readily when we show the least interest in him. He doesn’t play hard to get; he is not coy with us. When we seek
him, he responds, because loving us is his entire game. What if he was coming to your house tonight?  Notice how Jesus tells Zacchaeus to hurry. Don’t wait, don’t hesitate. Seize the moment of conversion when it comes.” -Bishop Barron

R3 - The Cross 

The cross is the number one symbol for Christ since over 2,000 years ago he died on a cross for all of us, in order to save us, and open the gates of heaven.  The cross reminds us to love God and love all humans.
The sun is symbolic of Christ.  It rises as Christ rose from the dead. 
The cloth is all that is left (waving in the wind) because Christ has risen from the dead!
The hearts symbolize the agape/love Jesus poured out for mankind when he willingly sacrificed his life. 


R4 - The Stairway to Heaven


This is Jesus after he rose from the dead, ascending into heaven. 

The stairway to heaven represents our journey on earth.  It is not easy, but Jesus tells us, in John 14:1-3,

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” ~ Jesus


S = SAVIOR (1 John 4:14)

S1 – Keys


The scroll with INRI on it represents what was nailed to the cross above Jesus’ head.  INRI represents the four initial letters of‘Jesus Nazaren us Rex Judaeorum,’ which is Latin for ‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.’  Pilate had this title put on the cross.  (John 19:19)

The monogram of the X and P are the first two letters for the word for Christ in Greek (XPIETOE). 

Bells at church ring to call the faithful to worship.  Also one hears bells to mark the coming of Christ in Communion during holy mass.

The keys are the ‘keys of the kingdom of heaven’ which Jesus gave to Peter.(Matthew 16:19)

S2 - Anchor

Jesus is the SAVIOR of this world.

Water symbolize our Baptism in Christ. 

Waves remind us God is always coming to us. We have waves of emotions. Sometimes we feel close and sometimes we feel far, but His love is always there for us.

The Eternity symbol reminds us that = God is eternal / NEVER ending / For EVER! and we have the hope of heaven with Him ALWAYS.

The anchor is the symbol for Jesus, our Lord, who anchors our life.  He is our Stronghold. - It is also a cross with droplets of water flowing off symbolizing purity and grace that flows from knowing Jesus.

The bottom of the anchor is also a boat which is what the apostles used before they became "fishers of men."

The star is the star of hope that the Wise men followed on their long journey -to find Jesus.  In the middle is the star of David, a Jewish symbol. Jesus was Jewish and our holy ancestors are God's chosen Jewish people.

S3 - Fish

Knot for fisherman. Jesus commissions his disciples with the words “I will make you fishers of men”. (Matt 4, Mark 1, Luke 5)
Fish are an ancient and modern symbol for Christians.

According to tradition, ancient Christians, during their persecution by the Roman Empire in the first few centuries after Christ, used the fish symbol to mark meeting places and tombs, or to distinguish friends from foes. This symbol is found often in the Catacombs (for St. Sebastian and St. Pricilla) 

ἸΧΘΥΣ translates into English as “Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior”. These Greek letters are called the “Jesus Fish” or Ichthys. This is from the 2nd century & references Jesus’ miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. 

In John 21:11, the disciples fished all night but caught nothing.Jesus instructed them to cast the nets on the other side of the boat, and they drew in 153 fish. When they returned to shore with their catch, Jesus was waiting for them and cooked some fish for them to eat. 

Having been resurrected, Jesus was given grilled fish. (Luke 24: 41-43)

S4 - Ascension

This is Jesus Ascending back to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.  After His resurrection, He walked with some people around earth for about 40 days and then he ascended.

Clothe around him – represents the Shroud of Turin, which we still have today.
The halo represents His divinity.


T = TRINITY (Matthew 28:19)

T1 – King of Kings


This contains the Holy Trinity.  Look closely to see it.

The Father is the King of kings, with the crown and robe.  The Son is Jesus on the cross. The Holy Spirit is the wing and head of a dove.

The Triangle is the perfect symbol for the Trinity.  It has three equal parts forming one shape.  Triangles are even found in the catacombs – on early Christian grave markers.  The triquetra is the three connected arcs (it shows the middle of three connected circles).  It is another beautiful sign of the Trinity.

T2 - Resurrected Jesus

This is The Father (the older man) hugging Jesus, his son.
The clouds show this is after Jesus’ resurrectio
n & ascension in to heaven.  The Holy Spirit is represented by the dove on Jesus’ shoulder.  All three together is our Holy Trinity.  The word “trinity” doesn’t appear in the bible, BUT you can find it throughout the Word of God.  Look in Genesis Chapter 1, verse 2 and 26… It says “Spirit” and “Let us…”.  The Trinity is one God but three persons.  It is a mystery our little human brain will never fully understand.

T3 - Divine Mercy


God’s hands = He created space and time for us. “For in him we live and move and have our being….We are his offspring.”  (Acts 17). HE holds us in the palm of his hand.

The Dove with tongues of fire represents the Holy Spirit.
Jesus = Is Divine Mercy
, “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him…” (Daniel 9:9) In this image of Jesus are rays of light representing His waters of Baptism and His precious Blood He sacrificed for all of us.


U = UNITY (Ephesians 4:3)

U1 – Children Chain

The chain and children holding hands represent the unity of the Body of Christ.  The kids look different, yet are all children of God.  (Mark 10:14)  They are stronger when they bond together. (Eph 4:3-6)

U2 - Languages/God’s arms

This is the name “Jesus” in 8 different languages:

Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Indonesian, Chinese, Hindi, Russian and Italian. 
Pray for our world to have union with God.


God holds us ALL in the palm of his hands. He wants us to love each other and live in peace and unity.  One can sum up Christianity by saying “Love God & Love people.”  This is the heart of Life. 
Life is the school and love is the lesson. “And they will know we are Christians by our love, by our love… Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.”


V = VICTORY (1 Corinthians 15:54)

V1 – Palm Branch

The palm branch is the symbol of victory.  It represents Christ’s triumph over death.  As Christ rode into Jerusalem, the people went out to meet him waving palm branches.  (John 12:13)

The banner represents victory over death, the resurrection. (John 20)  “Behold I make all things new.”  (Revelation 21:5)

The letters A and U, for alpha and omega - are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Can you find them?  They refer to God; “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said the Lord…” (Revelation 1:8).

V2 - Dove

The dove is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, purity, peace. With the Holy Spirit inside of us we have Victory over death!
For Noah, the dove carried the olive branch to show him the flood waters had abated. There was peace on earth again.
When Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, & God said, “This is my beloved Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matt 3). We have victory in Christ.  (1 Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:37, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Deuteronomy 20:4, Eph 10) 

V3 - Angel

This angel represents the spiritual warfare that goes on inside every human. Remember we have angels fighting for us! St Michael the Arc Angel, Pray for us. Defend us in battle against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

The Sword stands for fighting and is another name for the Word of God/ The Bible.
We have Victory in Christ. HE has defeated death itself. (1 Corinthians 15:57, Romans 8:37, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Deuteronomy 20:4, Eph 10)

In John 16:33 Jesus says “…take heart; I have overcome the world.”


W = WORSHIP (Psalm 100)

W1 - 

The Bible /Sacred Scripture–  In order to know God we study all the books of the Bible.(Luke 11:28)“Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ.”  St. Jerome 400 AD

Amazing Grace musical notes – Singing praise to God is one of the best ways to worship him.   (Psalm 101)

Church pews full of “Jesus People” - Jesus prays for the church to be perfectly one, united, as He is with the Father.  (John 17:20-26)  We all make mistakes.  Forgive and don’t judge.   (Romans 3:23)   We love God by loving others.  (Luke 10:26-27).   Praying hands (See “A”)


W 2 – Triquetra

The Trinity Knot (AKA the Triquetra symbol) is one continuous, ever-flowing line, which is said to represent eternity. The three interlocking arches also represent our 3 in 1 triune God, The Holy Trinity.

The earthly wheat – humans turn to bread (circle) and then God supernaturally makes bread into the Body of Christ. The earthly grapes – humans turn into wine and then God supernaturally makes wine into Christ’s precious blood.

Candles & the holy altar are in heaven and on earth at church. (Rev 6:9 Rev 8:3) At the altar, we worship and offer our prayers & sacrifice to God. The candles represent God’s holy presence.


X = EXAMPLE (John 15:12) X1 - Brown, X2 - Blue, and X3 - Pink X’s

Do you know your Christian ABC’s?

All of The Christian Alphabet’s words are in the X.  

The X cross is another type of cross that early Christians used before the Latin (†) and Greek (+) crosses became popular. 

The two scrolls represent the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible.

Jesus is always our best eXample to follow.  He teaches us how to love God and love our neighbor.  “He must increase, I must decrease.”  (John 3:30) Life is the school.  Love is the lesson.

X1 - The Manger

Baby Jesus - When Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago, his mother, Mary laid him in a manger. (Lk 2:7). An angel told the shepherds that they would find their newborn Messiah and Lord “lying in a manger” (Lk 2:12). A manger is a feeding trough. The word “manger” comes from the Latin word manducare which means “to eat.” Jesus is sustenance for us. He is food
for our souls. Jesus feeds us with his Word and Self, his Gospel and Holy Communion. Jesus wants
us to consume him so he can be the fabric of our being. The infant in the feeding trough lying on the hay is the Bread of Life (Jn 6:35), the true bread come down from heaven, and whoever eats this bread will live forever (Jn 6:51).

The lamb is frequently used to represent Christ.  Jesus is the “Lamb of God/Agnus Dei”- who was sacrificed for us.  “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!”  (John 1:29) The Paschal Lamb is the lamb sacrificed during the Jewish Passover. Jewish Passover tradition is to sacrifice a lamb to God and eat it, but since Jesus died for all of us on the cross about 2023 years ago, He changed everything! Now, in remembrance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we consume the ultimate sacrifice, The Lamb of God, The Body of Christ.


Y = YES (Isaiah 45:22)


Y1 - Jesus

This is Jesus with the little children.  You need the simple faith of a child to believe Jesus died on the cross to give us eternal life.  (Matthew 18:2)

God loves us so much that He gives us the choice (free will) to say “Yes” to Him and His ways, or “No” to Him.  We can soften our hearts or harden our hearts towards Jesus.  Let us all “Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of eternal life to which you were called.”  (1 Timothy 6:12)

Y2 - Dove

“Yes Lord, we desire to walk in your ways, wait for you, and our hearts say Yes to you.”(Isaiah 26:8)

The dove is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, purity, peace. 

When Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended like a dove, with God saying “This is my beloved Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”  (Matt 3)

The Book of life is where God writes our name.  Book of life, (Phil 4:3, Rev 3:5, 13:8…) or the Book of remembrance (Malachi 3:16)is sometimes called the Lamb’s book (Rev 21:27) or Lord’s book (Exodus 32:32). Jesus says “…rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven!” (Luke 10:20)

This is also like the Holy Bible which is God’s Word.

The Alpha and Omega is the beginning and the end. (Rev 22:13)

Y3 - Angel

Angels are mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. Angels minister to Christ in the desert. They help us too!“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Ps 91:11) “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14)Angels are pure spirits who worship God. We use wings to represent the fact that some angels carry messages for God to help humans. “The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.” (Luke 1:19)

The Shied and sword symbolize that some angels are helping us fight our spiritual battles. (Ephesians 6)


Z = ZION (1 Peter 2:6)

Z1 - City of God

This city, Zion, is in the sky because it represents the kingdom of God in heaven.  (Isaiah 28:16, 1 Peter 2:6)  Jesus talked a lot of his Father’s kingdom and how he has provided a way for us to get there.  “He will wipe away every tear…death shall be no more…”  (Revelation 21)

Angel ( See “P” and “M” under Wings)    Sheep (See “C”)   Cross (See “A”)

Z2 - Our Father

When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray he answered with this prayer (Matt 6, Luke 11).   The Lord’s prayer (also called “The Our Father”) starts here!

The clouds represent Our Father, the Creator of heaven and earth.

The lightning bolt says “Your Kingdom Come” which means we pray for God’s heavenly kingdom to come to us now. We pray for God to reign everywhere, that His laws be obeyed, & Christ be advanced everywhere until the world is filled with His glory!

The earth says “Your will be done” which means we pray to do God’s will. Often, we humans want our will to be done, but need to put God at the center of our desires.  


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